
her dimples--
the waggle dance
of honey bees


a crisp wind
rustles through leaves
in autumn
the beast in me
swirls and struggles

2 haiku

picking up
the greener pea pods
grandma’s fingers


a flurry
in the rainforest--
the songbird

Valentine Day tanka

Valentine hearts
dangling in the wind
until one drops--
I remember the sun
setting in her eyes

The feather touch of a sigh

It rained last night,
and one could smell the clouds
in the morning breeze

It was a stifled evening
words trickled between us
as beads of sweat on your forehead

Then a gush of a fair wind
gentle feathers of a bird's wing
caressed your tears

Then came the drizzle
the hidden aroma from the earth
that rose quietly

And it poured

We shared one last sigh
along with the final passing train
of the night
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